How to display Single Gallery on the single Listing page?

To use this feature, please make sure that you are using the latest version of Listgo and Listgo’s plugins:

  1. Jetpack supports 6 gallery types, so we recommend installing this plugin to make your gallery cooler
  2. From the admin sidebar, click on Wiloke Design AddListing -> Single -> You can create a new gallery tab and then put [wilokeSingleGallery] shortcode to the tab content or simply put [wilokeSingleGallery] to an existing tab content. 
  3. If Jetpack Gallery is enabled, you can set up the Gallery Style like this [wilokeSingleGallery style=”rectangular”].

Jetpack Gallery Style:

  1. Default Style: Leave Empty
  2. Tiled Mosaic: rectangular
  3. Square Tiled: square
  4. Circle: circle
  5. Tiled Columns: columns
  6. Slideshow: slideshow

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