How to remove social networks social list in listings?

  1. Please install and activate Listgo Child theme  (It’s that is included in the downloaded package): Appearance -> Themes -> Add New
  2. From the admin sidebar, click on Appearance -> Editor -> On the Theme Files area, please select functions.php
  3. Add the following code to this file


add_filter('listgo/filter/social-networks', function(){

return array('facebook', 'twitter');

  • facebook, twitter are socials that you want to display
  • the name of socials: ‘facebook’, ‘twitter’, ‘google-plus’, ‘linkedin’, ‘tumblr’, ‘instagram’, ‘flickr’, ‘pinterest’, ‘medium’, ‘tripadvisor’, ‘wikipedia’, ‘vimeo’, ‘youtube’, ‘whatsapp’, ‘vkontakte’, ‘odnoklassniki’

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