How to setup Discount code in Listgo?

From Listgo, we added a Discount feature, by using this feature you can create a coupon code for your Non-Recurring Add Listing Plans and your event plans.

Note that this feature is not available for Recurring Add Listing Plan: Wiloke Submission -> Settings -> Billing Type.

To create a Coupon Code for your plan, please follow these steps:

  1. Make sure that you are using the latest version of
  2. From the admin sidebar, click on Discount -> Add New
  3. Completing all settings there.
  4. That’s it

To test this feature, please follow these steps:

  1. Go to Users -> Add New -> Creating a new user and set Wiloke Submission Role to this user
  2. Go to Wiloke Submission -> Settings -> Billing Type -> Select Non Recurring payment mode
  3. Opening a new incognito mode => Log into your site with the new account
  4. Click on Add Listing
  5. On the Checkout step, you will see the Coupon code field, enter your Coupon code.
  6. Proceeding the payment


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