How to setup Add listing page?

  1. From the admin sidebar, click on Wiloke Submission -> Settings -> Make sure that all payment pages are filled up
  2. Next, click on Wiloke Design Addlisting – If you do not see this menu, please click on Appearance -> Install Plugins to install it
  3. Now, click on Wiloke Design Addlisting

If you want to use Advanced Custom Fields in Listgo:


I. Installing Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) plugin

From the admin sidebar, please click on Plugins -> Add New  -> Search for “Advanced Custom Fields” plugin.

II. Adding a new field with ACF

Once this plugin is activated, you will see Custom Fields Menu on your admin bar like this

and click on + Add Field to add your custom field.


Now navigate to Listings -> Add New -> You will see “Test” field in this area


III. Adding the custom fields to Add Listing page.

  1. From the admin sidebar, please click on Listing Pricings -> Custom Field
  2. Make sure Wiloke Design AddListing is activated.
  3. From the admin sidebar, click on Wiloke Design AddListing -> Dragging Advanced Custom Field to Used Fields area

IV. Printing Custom Field to the Single page

From the admin sidebar, Click on Wiloke Design AddListing -> Single -> Inserting [wilokeAFC id=’my_unique_id’] to the place you want to show custom field content.

For example: If you want show the custom field content under Listing Content:

Or you can also create a new Custom tab like this

*Important:  The id must be unique

Next, go to Appearance -> Themes -> Activating Listgo Child, then accessing your hosting -> wp-folder -> themes -> listgo-child -> Opening functions.php -> and put the below code into this file:

add_action('wiloke-listgo-functionality/print-custom-field/my_custom_field', 'listgoChildPrintCustomFieldContent', 10, 1);

function listgoChildPrintCustomFieldContent($post){
// my content

Please pay attention wiloke-listgo-functionality/print-custom-field/my_custom_field: my_custom_field is the  id that you used in wilokeAFC shortcode.

My content: To get your custom fields content, please refer to -> Field Types.

Warning: If you want to use Upload Field, please upgrade to Advanced Custom Field pro 

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