How to setup Facebook Chat in Listgo?

 1. Administrator

As an administrator, you can setup Facebook chat for whole pages. 

From the admin sidebar, click on Appearance -> Theme Options -> Facebook Settings -> Providing Facebook App ID and Facebook Fanpage ID

2. Listing Author

As an Listing Author, you can setup Facebook Chat for your all Listings page.

Log into your site -> Click on Profile icon at the top-right corner -> Edit Profile -> Facebook Chat Setting ->  Providing Facebook App ID and Facebook Fanpage ID

3. How to get Facebook App ID?

  1. To create a Facebook APP, please go to -> Creating a new App. Or if you are using Login with Facebook (A feature of Wiloke Social Login), you can use this app
  2. Click on Settings -> Basic -> You will see App ID here 
  3. Copy it and paste into Facebook App ID setting

4. How to get Facebook Fanpage ID

  1. Log into your Facebook Fanpage
  2. Click on About
  3. Copy it and paste to Facebook Fanpage ID Setting

5. Setup Whitelisted Domains

Still in the Facebook Fanpage area, click on Settings -> Messenger Platform.

If you are an administrator -> enter your Website URL.

If you are Listing Author -> enter the website that you submitted your listing. For example, if you submitted an listing to, the Whitelisted Domain is

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